Category Archives: Faith

The Human Animal

I saw a discussion on X about how many animals can do everything humans do. The only difference is degree.

For instance, pufferfish create sculptures, and termites build buildings. So do we. Birds sing. So do we. Multitudes of animals create communities. As do we.

Therefore, they say, we are nothing special, Homo sapiens sapiens. A mere primate. We are simply a bit more evolved than all other species. We were not created by any god or “intelligent designer,” so he does not exist and couldn’t have breathed life into us. We are not set apart from all of the rest of creation; we have no soul because the soul does not exist.

Slight aside: Those who embrace the idea also believe there’s no such thing as sin or morality, because what we call moral is nothing more than a word to define what’s built into our DNA as a matter of evolutionary survival.

However, that point of view can (and has) caused problems. In fact this belief has resulted (and still results in) the death of millions.

It’s one thing to anthropomorphize all other animals (giving non-humans human characteristics), but, if these people are right, then we must allow for and embrace our own animalistic characteristics.

The main one being: survival of the fittest.

This includes encroaching into a community’s territory, killing off all the males and their children, and mate with all the fertile females. It means it’s okay to kill, eat, and/or abandon the young, weak, old, and infirm during times when less food and water is available, or because they can no longer contribute to the health and expansion of said community.

We are doing all of that now. We “mate” with as many as we want, and the males don’t have to stay around to help raise the young should the female get pregnant. We kill our babies, especially those with genetic disorders. We are also so evolutionarily advanced, we don’t even need to wait until they’re born to do so. We’re killing off the old and weak because they’re a drain on community resources. We destroy other communities because we think we’re stronger, healthier, and are therefore more worthy of their territory.

So yes, let’s shake off the idea of God and morality. Let’s take pride in and embrace the fact we’re nothing but animals who just happen to be evolutionally better at nearly everything other animals do. What could go wrong?