Thou Shalt… Hate?

I’ve been seeing a lot of Christians spewing hate toward Jews. They even use certain scriptural passages to bolster their point of view:

1. They were the branches broken off from the vine where the wild shoots were grafted in their place, (Romans 11:17)

2. They demanded Jesus be executed and said his blood would be on their and their children. (Matthew 27:25)

3. They belong to the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 6:9).

4. Jesus called them an evil and adulterous generation. (Matthew 16:4)

I could respond to each point, such as point one: If they read the rest of Romans chapter 11, they would see that Israel will be saved, and God has not abandoned them.

In the end, though, all of that is irrelevant.

Because not once did Jesus say, “Love your enemy… except the Jews.”

“Forgive those who sin against you… except the Jews.”

“Love your neighbor as yourself… except the Jews.”

What matters isn’t what Jesus said about a particular group (Jew or otherwise) during a specific instance or circumstance, but what he says (and will say) about each one of us when we stand before God’s throne.

Did we love and forgive as Jesus loves and forgives? Did we allow the Holy Spirit to purify our heart? Did we dedicate our life and our soul to Jesus? Did we show Jesus to all who need him…

Including the Jews?

2 thoughts on “Thou Shalt… Hate?

  1. I read and enjoy all of your entries, Andra, but this one struck a particular bell. I grew up with a Jewish brother-in-law. For me, he was a dear man who was always kind and generous to me. But some in the community did not see the kindness and generosity. Some day I will tell you how the story ends. But I learned that Christian ethics and love can be shared by non-Christians as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! No person or group has a monopoly on goodness or evil. They’re both written on each human heart. I just expect Christians to know better, because not hating people one of the central themes of Jesus’s preaching.

      I look forward to hearing your story.


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