Hating June

My previous entry criticized hate.

Now here I am saying I hate June.

Am I being hypocritical?

Short answer. No.

Now if you want to know more…

I have one reason, and one reason only to hate so-called “Pride Month.” If I struggle with anything, every day, sometimes minute by minute, it’s pride. Now everywhere we look it’s, “PRIDE!” this and “PRIDE!” that.

To me it’s no different than forcing an alcoholic to live and work at a liquor store.

Some would tell me to just ignore it. Stay off social media, etc., etc.

It’s not that easy. Advertisers have embraced the idea, so they change the colors of their logos for the entire month. People strut around with all their rainbow-colored clothes and other items, and demand everyone else does the same.

Others might accuse me of being phobic of whomever we’re supposed to celebrate. I don’t care what a person’s proud of, because all sin is rooted with pride and all sin is destined for the same place (whether or not we end up going with it is a separate discussion). Which is why fighting pride when it whispers in our ear is so crucial.

In fact pride is one thing we’re supposed to hate.

“The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.” ~ Proverbs 8:13 (ESV)

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